Code of Conduct: Coach / Manager

Queens County Soccer Club Code of Conduct for Coaches/Managers. 


A. Coach/manager must: 

1. Be committed to improve the performance of the players and the team physically and mentally.

2. Provide an environment that supports participants' physical and emotional safety (free of bullying, discrimination, etc.)


3. Provide a high quality soccer program for players with a positive environment/atmosphere. 

4. Be thoroughly acquainted with FIFA Laws of the Game and they must keep attuned to the sound principles of coaching. 

5. Respect all human beings i.e. players and referees and parents. All opponents and referees must be treated with respect. 

6. Encourage players to compete within the laws of the game. 

7. Be enthusiastic and positive. Providing a positive playing and training environment that encourages and promotes each player to challenge themselves within their present abilities. 

8. Maintain the high standards of personal conduct and fair play. 

9. Never be involved in any circumstances that are offensive or suggest sexual connotations. 


The club will ensure that Coaches and Managers are made aware of and agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct for Coaches and Managers.

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